IEEE Cyberbeticscom and IEEE Comnetsat were launched on Thursday, July 12, 2012. The co-hosted conferences were located at Inna Grand Bali Hotel, Sanur Beach. Comnetsat is the IEEE Conference on Communication, Network, and Satellite; while Cyberbeticscom is the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics. The General Chair of both conferences, Dr. Ford Lumban Gaol, formally opened the conferences. Muhammad Ary Murti, the IEEE Indonesia Section Chairman, delivered a welcome speech, including a brief about the IEEE and the Indonesia Section.

The first keynote speaker, Prof. Michael Lightner, the IEEE President in 2006, delivered a keynote speech for Cyberbeticscom, titled Machine Learning for Assistive Technology. Lightner began with a concern that a very large number of humanity experience disabilities at various levels. Researches in the field of assistive technology lead to some improvements to the value of human life by various measures. Initially we applied some tools for the improvement; but then also we use some agents implanted into the human body. One material that was presented but-not-shared related to a research to bypass the brain to overcome the problems caused by short-term memory impairment.

Prof. Byeong Gi Lee, the Past President of the IEEE Communications Society (Comsoc), then delivered a keynote speech for Comnetsat, themed Convergence of Communications Toward Smart Era. Prof Lee described how the revolutions in communications and digital information had affect each other in the cultural and social life of human being; how the context processing becomes increasingly important for the development of intelligent systems that will better understand and enhance the human life.

After the opening session, the conferences were spread into paper presentation sessions in several rooms. The keynote speakers Prof. Lightner and Prof BG Lee were active in the sessions, put sparks in the discussions.

On the last day, Saturday, July 14th, a Plenary Speech presented Prof. Pramod K Varshney. In his speech, he explored the philosophy and implementation of Cognitive Radio Networks. An interesting topic.
[1] Proceeding of Comnetsat 2012 at the IEEE Xplore: [URL]
[2] Analytics of Comnetsat 2012 at Scimago: [URL]
[3] Proceeding of Cyberneticscom 2012 at the IEEE Xplore: [URL]
[4] Analytics of Cyberneticscom 2012 at Scimago: [URL]